things to reflect on film photography

6 Things I Have Learned Through Film Photography

It has been a really long time since I have gone out and shot with the Fuji GSWiii. Also known as the Texas Leica, this is a big bold camera that can initially seem frightening! Another reason to take it out for a walk, which brings me to my first thing I have learned about film:

It has blown open a door to new photographic learning and opportunities. It can be quite a daunting proposition to move into. Due to all the technical elements involved with metering, lighting, developing as well as scanning. The list could go on.

However by diving into the traditional processes involved I have learned how things have influenced and led to how we photograph today as well as understand the technical side of things.

Having a reasonable degree of understanding has made me a more thoughtful photographer and I am looking forward to seeing where it will take me next.

Creativity is a word that is often banded about in the photographic world. Whether you are a hobbyist, amateur or professional photographer know the importance of keeping on your feet and film photography encourages you to do that.

Take this Fuji 6x9 Professional Camera. I am quite new to rangefinders and it has certainly slowed my process down even further because I have to make sure that the focus is spot on before I know for sure to push the shutter.

I have made countless mistakes. Which got me thinking, is it any different to shooting with digital. Would I have benefited from just shooting digital? I’m not so sure about this. With digital you always know that you can get extremely lazy without even realising it. It’s like scrolling through your phone aimlessly and before you know it so much time has passed. Film has the capability to empower you with greater discipline and consequently giving you the opportunity to become a more mindful and visually observant photographer

As with any aspect of life, there are moments which you could capture and preserve. Film photography has given me a tangible way of recording my photographic learning and process, as well as wonderful memories. I love cataloging and seeing how my photography has been changing without having to turn on a computer or phone. I can show and share the work physically with friends and photographers. It creates even more opportunities for discussion and learning. I can’t wait to see where this takes me next.

I have explored new places and ventured down new roads that I never knew existed. In this video I am in one of the most popular tourist destinations in London but these narrow Victorian pathways are hardly busy. I have a much greater appreciation for all the wonderful opportunities to shoot so many different things within a stone's throw. London has to be one of the greatest cities on the planet, if not the greatest. There is so much to do, so much to explore, paths that havent been found, history which hasn't been explored. Think of it whether it is abstract or real you could find it, engage with it or learn it all in London. If you are watching, listening or reading this, from abroad, come to London! I could go on and on

Perhaps the biggest thing I have learned is the importance of sharing my knowledge and experience here with you on YouTube or on my blog. In a time of great extremes, I have found learning from others on this platform as well as sharing the little that I have learned humbling, but also deeply rewarding. I’m no creative writer. However, I hope that you have gained and learned through my work. That is, it has helped you to become an even better photographer. I am always thinking about what else you might want to learn and film photography has certainly kept me grounded to keep improving and sharing!

I think I’ll take my Texan Leica for some more walks, there are lots more frames to fill in these 8 shots. What should I shoot next?